We have a designated Careers Lead and trained form tutors who liaise with Connexions to support our pupils (and their families) when making post-16 choices. As part of our commitment to informing our pupils of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we involve partner businesses in work placement as well as experience opportunities. Many of our pupils have potential to access courses in mainstream college with the right support in key-stage 4 and 5. We also work closely with local colleges and training providers to provide supported transitions post-16. Our pupils have access to: business breakfasts, work experience visits, Connexions sessions, supported Logo-on-move-on sessions; and our annual Futures Event.
Northcott School is currently working with Careers and Enterprise Company to review the use of the Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide to further develop our careers and information guidance programme (CEIAG).
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement in careers education at Northcott is always encouraged. Parents are kept up to date with careers work through letters, Post 16 events, parent’s evenings and through the Annual Review (EHCP) process.
All learners will take part in a Careers Education Programme in Year 7 – 14 (Careers-Education-Learning-Journey) that helps them to:
- Understand their education, training, employment and other progression opportunities.
- Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression.
To help us improve the careers programme for your child please could you complete a short survey about your childs experiences with careers education at Northcott by clicking the link below. It is important to gain the views of all parents, including those in lower year groups. Thank you.
The importance of employer engagement
As part of our commitment to CEIAG we have been involved with the Careers Education Company (CEC) since its pilot and assess our standards regularly with the compass tracking tool. We work with businesses regularly and this video was filmed as part of a scheme to increase employer engagement with pupils with SEN. We have established links with Balfour Beatty and Yorkshire Water. This video features some of our pupils talking about careers and the importance of employer engagement.
A detailed version our our careers plan and the impact for our students is available on our policies page, including the Provider Access Statement Benchmarks and CEIAG-Policy 23
Our whole school career plan can be found here Careers-Education-Learning-Journey
Career and labour market information (LMI) includes information on:
*career pathways and progression routes
*applications and interviews
*educational institutions, courses, qualifications, entry requirements and costs
*skills and occupations
*professional bodies
*employment sectors, employers, jobs, salaries and employment trends
*job programmes, training and apprenticeships
*job demands and working life
*financial planning
For more information on the local labour market please see www.lmihumber.co.uk
Being able to understand career pathways and future possibilities is vital for all students, especially those with special educational needs. Providing access to relevant careers information can help you to determine your work preferences, skills, options and choices to build a culture of high expectation and connect you to a successful future.
We welcome support from a variety of employers and are always looking to develop our links further and to improve our careers programme for our young people. If you are a local company and think you can contribute to our programme, please use the details below.
Our Careers Lead is Lynsey Mowforth and she is available on 01482 825311 or [email protected]