School Day
Our pupils’ day starts and ends with wrap-around care from their form tutor. On a dedicated afternoon, all our pupils spend the afternoon with their form tutor doing PSHCE work or themed work such as anti-bullying to help them review the school day/week. During lunch all our pupils attend lunch clubs and activities of their choice with their friends.
We also aim to make sure our pupils’ week ends on a high in our whole school celebration assembly where pupils’ achievements for the week are recognised and rewarded – in our very last session of the week.
Our school day is 8.50am when arrival starts to 3.35pm when transport departs
Regular attendance at school is extremely important so that your child can keep up with their work and make progress. It is also a legal responsibility of all parents and carers to ensure that their child attends school regularly.
Regular attendance also ensures that our pupils are developing those vital social and communication skills, interacting with a wide range of people, and building and maintaining those all-important friendships.
If your child is ill
Please telephone the school by 8.50 a.m. to inform us by ringing: 01482 825311
You can also leave a message on the school answer machine. We will contact you either by text or telephone on the first day of your child’s absence if no contact has been made, as part of our ‘first day calling’ procedure.
School Timetable
Tutor Time 8.50-9.05
Period 1 9.05-10.05
Period 2 10.05-11.05
Break 11.05-11.20
Period 3 11.20-12.20
Lunch 12.20-1.20
Period 4 1.20-2.20
Period 5 2.20-3.20
Tutor time 3.20-3.35