Contact us

We love to hear from you. Our dedicated admin team are on hand to assist with attendance, payment queries, uniform and other daily questions.

Our dedicated Parent Liaison team consist of Connie Lambert and Lisa Allan who liaise with social care and provide specific parental support and advice, including signposting to other services.

For all general enquiries, more information or for questions, please call the school on 01482 825311 or e-mail [email protected]


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Direct Private Contact

If you have any concerns regarding bullying or E-safety then use the buttons below to report this. The message will go directly to the appropriate member of staff.

School Address

Our main offices are open: 7:00am – 5:00pm
School is in session: 8:45am – 3:35pm

Northcott School
Dulverton Close
Hull, HU7 4EL
Tel: 01482 825311 (Main Office)
Email: [email protected]

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