Brand new sixth form facilities for students aged 16-19
Offering adaptable, bespoke learning opportunities. To encourage independence and move young people towards adulthood.
Gain Independence
Our first focus area for our Post 16 offer is Independence. Our young people need to gain independence at a level which is appropriate to them. Our 6thformers attend in non-uniform and access the sixth form building using their own fob system, this allows them to access all the areas which they may require during the day. The sixth form building allows pupils to prepare their own drinks, snacks and lunches. This can be in the flat, common room or more formally as part of their work in ‘The Bistro’.
Learn essential life skills
The sixth form facilities includes a Life Skills flat which can be used socially, for 1:1 counselling, interventions, support or as an actual flat for washing, ironing, housekeeping and home cooking.