Autism Training for Schools
Autism training for schools
You now have two options. The following generic training sessions have been pre-recorded and can be found using the link below. These are separated into Primary and Secondary sessions
- ASD Awareness Early years, Primary & Secondary
- Emotional Regulation & The 5 point Scale
- Social Stories
- Transition
- Autism and Girls (including masking)
- Autism and Anxiety
- Social skills and Lego
- Sensory Differences
- ASD Friendly Classrooms
- Independent Workstations
- Understanding ASD Behaviour
- Practical Ideas for Teaching Independence
- Developing Interaction with Non-Verbal Pupils
- Meltdowns, Shutdowns and Energy Accounting
- How to use Widget Online – where to find resources already made etc.
The second option is in-house training. We have put together a number of sessions that can be booked using the form below. These are to support QFT and Universal support strategies. If training is required for specialist or targeted strategies please discuss this with your outreach teacher first.
OutreachTrainingRequestFormNorthcott Outreach.docx