Welcome to Northcott School
We believe Northcott is not just a building, it is a community. It is a community that welcomes individuality, celebrates success and provides a bespoke learning experience. We believe that our pupils learn best when they are actively involved in their learning; are encouraged to become independent and enabled to grow in confidence. At Northcott we aim to meet all the social and academic needs of our pupils, however complex those needs may be.
Our approach to learning is holistic and extends beyond the classroom, providing wrap around care, which teaches life skills and provides the best possible opportunities for our community of pupils to blossom; to grow socially and academically.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of our community.
Our Vision
Our vision is to ensure that Northcott is the leading provider of education for pupils with Autism, Asperger’s, and social, communication learning difficulties within Hull and the wider local area.
We believe that our pupils have an enormous amount of potential. We also believe that it is our responsibility to provide the right learning environment, create a sense of belonging and work in close partnership with pupils, carers and other leading professionals to ensure that all our pupils meet their full potential.
Our aim and vision is to consistently and passionately champion the rights of our pupils and to provide outstanding education and holistic care.

Our Staff
Our staff are a dedicated team who have vast experience supporting pupils with Autism, Asperger’s, social, communication learning difficulties and moderate learning difficulties. We have a high staff to pupil ratio across the school with the flexibility to teach in small classes, small groups and the expertise to provide bespoke interventions.
Our School
Our school is an autism friendly environment which is enhanced with a communication rich approach. Our pupils can often be found having lessons in alternative spaces such as our sensory gardens, messy play area and woodland space. We have a designated sports field and sports hall with multi-gym, main hall, stage and shower facilities. We have also just built an immersive sensory room and outdoor sensory circuit. Our Primary pupils have 2 buddy bus stops to help friendships and communication as well as 2 conversation huts
Find out more about our school
Our Pupils
Our pupils on roll at Northcott are from the age of three to nineteen. We also support a significant numbers of pupils with ASD or social communication difficulties across the city to access mainstream education. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan which is linked to a specific diagnosis of autism or a more generic diagnosis of social and communication and interaction learning needs
Find out more about our pupils
Our Governors
The governors are the strategic leaders of our school and have a vital role to play in making sure every student gets the best possible education. Our team of governors are made up of representatives from all the key groups involved in our school – parents, staff, the Local Authority and co-opted members from the local community. Some Governors are appointed and some are elected.

Post-16 CEIAG
We have a designated Careers Lead and trained form tutors who liaise with Connexions to support our pupils (and their families) when making post-16 choices. As part of our commitment to informing our pupils of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we involve partner businesses in work placement as well as experience opportunities.