Useful Links
Advice for Parents:
Parent Mental Health and well being-10 Top tips for Parents
Child Mental Health and Wellbeing- 10 Tips for Parents
We have selected a variety of well-being resources for you to access to support you and your child. There are links for well-being support, mental health, teen self-esteem, body image and online gaming guidance. For specific e-safety support, such as parental control’s, please click on our e-safety tab above under wellbeing and safeguarding.
Children can talk to a ChildLine counsellor 24 hours a day about anything that is worrying them on 0800 1111 or chat online to someone who can help
Parents or staff can raise a concern outside of school, if they feel like their issue is not being addressed via our whistleblowing policy or by contacting the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or [email protected].
Families can access Hull Domestic Abuse Partnership on 01482 318759 or the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247
Family Information Service (FISH) 01482 318318
Childnet Online Gaming Guidance
Mental health support for people aged 11-25 years
Hull Safeguarding Children’s Board
Teen body image and self esteem
Other sources of information for Parents: