School Lunch
As a school, we are committed to providing healthy lunches and promoting healthy eating. In our life-skills lessons our pupils learn about the different food groups, how to have a balanced diet and the importance of developing good eating habits whilst they are young. Our pupils run a snack trolley at break time, encouraging our children to make healthy choices.
At lunchtime, our staff sit with pupils to encourage their social interaction. Our aim is also to work with parents to teach our children the long term importance of having a balanced diet and making healthy lifestyle choices.
Our pupils can also choose from a wide range of activities and clubs to attend on a lunchtime too. Our most popular lunchtime activities are Sports Action, basketball and non-stop cricket.
Lunch Menus
Menus are sent home each half term as them menu changes to allow preparation time for pupils. We have a set menu recognised by the NAS Autism Accreditation that changes with each natural school break. We consider all dietary and cultural requirements as well as sensory needs and allergies. Our catering service also complies fully with Natasha’s Law. School lunches are priced at £2 per day.