Our Pupils
Our pupils on roll at Northcott are from the age of three to nineteen. We also support a significant number of pupils with ASD or social, communication difficulties across the city to access mainstream education. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan which is linked to a specific diagnosis of autism or a more generic diagnosis of social communication and interaction learning need.
School Council
Our pupils are proud of their school and the work of their School Council. Each year pupils elect representatives from across the key stages and work closely with senior leadership on future developments, plans and fundraising events. We are particularly proud of the recent work done by our School Council on redesigning the school uniform.
Peer Mentors
Our pupils are given the opportunity to train as Peer Mentors to help their own friends at times where they need support. They are recognised by their blue lanyards and ID badges
Young Evaluators
We also have a large group of pupils who contribute directly to the Head Teacher on key issues. This group manage well-being and support from a pupil perspective and also are heavily involved in the schools’ support of charities.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
We have a group of students who are trained anti-bullying ambassadors who support pupils with their understanding of what bullying is and ensuring any negative language is reported to an adult.
Break-time Buddies
Pupils can volunteer to be a break time buddy. Their job is to help pupils on the lower playground to make friends and interact with each other. They are recognised by their Hi-Vis jackets.