Brand new sixth form facilities for students aged 16-19
Offering adaptable, bespoke learning opportunities. To encourage independence and move young people towards adulthood.
Grow in confidence in year 13
We expect our 6th formers to actively participate in their Education Health Care Plan reviews to ensure their programme of learning is increasingly personalised as they move through Y12, Y13 and Y14 to support their next steps to adulthood. Our 6th formers engage in a full and broad programme of Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) and Relationship, Sex, & Health Education (RSHE). They are actively encouraged as part of their planned offer to access facilities in the community such as The Warren, Cornerhouse, and community sports facilities. Our learners will grow in confidence in year 13, by making personal preferences in their learning journeys.
Bespoke timetables and off-site contact
In Year 14 the timetable will be completely bespoke including increasing elements of off-site contact. This may be in the form of formal work experience or contact with their destination colleges. All Year 14 will have had an opportunity to discuss their future plans and destination with a specialist Connexions advisor who will assist with the transition from Sixth Form to their next step. Year 14 encourages our young people to become fully independent adults, taking increasing responsibility for their own personal development.
We offer courses that challenge our pupils academically as well as practically, whilst recognising the young person’s preferences, interests and future plans.