Our Staff

Our staff are a dedicated team who have vast experience supporting pupils with Autism, Asperger’s, social, communication learning difficulties and moderate learning difficulties. We have a high staff to pupil ratio across the school with the flexibility to teach in small classes, small groups and the expertise to provide bespoke interventions.

Senior Leadership Team

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson

Katherine has been a teacher for 24 years with the last 11 dedicated to the SEN sector. She has vast experience working with a range of pupils with different needs such as PMLD, MLD, SLCN and Autism. She successfully completed NPQH in January 2017. Katherine is passionate about improving the life chances of pupils with additional needs through the schools’ ambitious curriculum that does not limit their potential. She works closely with the Local Authority in shaping the future of special needs provision across the city. She has fought for 6 years to change the designation of the school to cover both an increased age range and an increased number on roll to reflect the local and national demand for specialist provision for SEND.

Julie Wickenden
Deputy Headteacher

Julie Wickenden

Julie is a very experienced teacher who has an impressive career history including 12 years as part of the senior leadership team at a local outstanding school. Her expertise is linked to ensuring high quality teaching and learning and she has an excellent knowledge of child protection and safeguarding. She is also responsible for our curriculum and is passionate about wellbeing of staff and students, inclusive education and challenge for all.

Lisa Allen
Deputy Head Teacher

Lisa Allen

Lisa is an experienced Senior Leader and secondary teacher who has worked locally in numerous different settings including a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), and secondary mainstream schools.  She was most recently seconded to support and guide Alternative Resource Centres (ARC’s) for a large Academy Trust.  Lisa joins the school to lead our safeguarding team as DSL and as Deputy Head Teacher.  She is committed to ensuring all young people feel safe, valued, have their wider needs met and achieve their best.

Jo Richardson
Lead Practitioner Pastoral Progress

Jo Richardson

Jo is part of our Senior Leadership Team responsible for Pastoral Progress. She is an experienced SEND teacher who has worked most recently in our nurture classes. She has responsibility for leading Year 6 to 7 transition for our pupils and those in our feeder schools. Jo is passionate about helping complex cases and improving whole school attendance by challenging absence.

Class Team

Mae Grainger
Year 7

Mae Grainger

Mae is an incredibly talented teacher. Mae is based in Year 7 and is the tutor in our primary model of 7A

Billy Winfield
TLR holder for PSHE / Year 7

Billy Winfield

Billy is an experienced member of Northcott staff who has been with us for 7 years. He is 7B’s tutor. Billy is also TLR holder for PSHE.

James Berridge
TLR for UTW/ Year 8

James Berridge

James is an experienced secondary teacher who is our TLR holder for Understanding the World. He has a vast amount of experience with inclusion and young adults with SEND. He is also 8B’s tutor.

Kim Garrett
Year 8

Kim Garrett

Kim is an experienced secondary English teacher who also enjoys delivering Media and Drama. Kim organises our leavers prom each year to give our pupils a chance to celebrate their school experience!! Kim is 8A’s tutor.

Jim Medlam
ICT Teacher/Year 9

Jim Medlam

Jim is currently embarking on his assessment only programme, supported by Red Kite. He is a passionate SEND teacher, focussing on ICT. Jim works with our young people to make sure they have the knowledge and skills to be able to stay safe online and learn skills vital for their future in education, employment or independent living.

Katie Barker
Maths TLR Holder / Year 9

Katie Barker

Katie is our Maths TLR holder and experienced staff coach. She is part of our extended leadership team and joined us from a highly successful mainstream secondary background. She is the joint class tutor for 9B

Mark Roberts
TLR Holder for Science / Year 9

Mark Roberts

Mark is a highly experienced scientist who is our TLR holder for science. He is also 9B’s joint tutor.

Julia Brown
Year 10

Julia Brown

Julia is experienced working with young adults with SEN. Julia is the tutor for 10A. Julia is part of our Understanding the World team, delivering RS, enterprise and project work linked to our schools eco-commitment

Joe Routh
Year 10

Joe Routh

Joe is a member of our Maths and statistics teaching staff, as well as 10b’s tutor. Joe has a vast amount of experience working with SEN pupils.

Phoebe Grannon
Food Technology/ Year 11

Phoebe Grannon

Phoebe is a passionate SEND teacher, focusing on delivering Food Technology, including our BTEC programme. Phoebe works with our young people to become independent and self-sufficient with skills and knowledge.

Jade Fraser
Primary model Science and STEM TLR Holder/Year 11

Jade Fraser

Jade is an experience secondary science teacher who heads up our STEM programme in school. She is part of our extended leadership team responsible for science delivered in the primary model and STEM.

Claire Roberts
Maths Teacher

Claire Roberts

Claire is a skilled maths specialist who monitors and evaluates our staff who are training through the Assessment Only route into teaching. Claire has vast experience at Hull University Teacher Education prior to her joining the school.

Andy Nutbrown
TLR Vocational Lead / Post 16

Andy Nutbrown

Andy manages and oversees out Post 16 classes. Andy teaches PE and Maths up to and including GCSE. He is on our Extended Leadership Team and is currently TLR holder for vocational subjects and PE. Andy is interested in helping our pupils make healthier lifestyle choices and also runs our breakfast club.

Sharon Smith
Nurture 1

Sharon Smith

Sharon is the lead in Nurture 1. She is a very experienced member of staff with vast knowledge of communication, thrive and ASD. Her Nurture provision is for a pupils with a range of complex needs whose priority is being ready to learn.

Chris Etheridge
Nurture 2

Chris Etheridge

Chris is a long-standing member of school staff, who has taught a variety of ages and subjects in recent years. He is Nurture 2’s tutor. Chris is a caring SEND teacher who forms part of our nurture provision for those who need additional support.

Deborah Goodfellow
Nurture 3

Deborah Goodfellow

Deborah leads our Nurture 3 class for pupils in KS4 who need more support. This group focusses on next steps, literacy, numeracy and independence.

Amy Goldspink
Sixth Form

Amy Goldspink

Amy is an experienced member of staff who is working in our Sixth Form. Amy is passionate about building independence, enterprise and community. She has created an exciting and vibrant post 16 environment curriculum.

Lizzy Norrie
Little Blossoms Lead

Lizzy Norrie

Lizzy is an experienced EYFS practitioner and former ASD Outreach support who is leading our Little Blossoms provision. Lizzy and her team pride themselves on creating a bespoke, ASD friendly multi sensory environment and curriculum for those younger pupils who are identified as needing an EYFS learning approach.

Kerry Looker

Kerry Looker

Kerry teaches our Primary class which has pupils who are in key-stage two. Kerry is a passionate and creative teacher with a significant amount of primary SEND experience. Kerry regularly leads on drama and music projects within the school, such as Colours of Music.

Sarah Caley
Catch up intervention teacher

Sarah Caley

Sarah delivers our catch up intervention programme. She also supports KS4 with their off site options programme through our local colleges and providers.

Emma Harris
Intervention Teacher

Emma Harris

Emma teaches English. Emma is also passionate about narrowing gaps and is part of our interventions programme and 1-1 support.

Extended Leadership Team

Vickie Hulme
TLR Holder for English and Through- School Curriculum Lead

Vickie Hulme

Vickie is part of our extended leadership team responsible for our through-curriculum. Vickie is an experienced SEND teacher. She has responsibility for leading English Language and Literature across our school. In addition, Vickie manages the Post 16 provision at the school and is instrumental in reviewing our curriculum to reflect our changing cohorts.

Billy Winfield
TLR holder for PSHE / Year 7

Billy Winfield

Billy is an experienced member of Northcott staff who has been with us for 7 years. He is 7B’s tutor. Billy is also TLR holder for PSHE.

James Berridge
TLR for UTW/ Year 8

James Berridge

James is an experienced secondary teacher who is our TLR holder for Understanding the World. He has a vast amount of experience with inclusion and young adults with SEND. He is also 8B’s tutor.

Katie Barker
Maths TLR Holder / Year 9

Katie Barker

Katie is our Maths TLR holder and experienced staff coach. She is part of our extended leadership team and joined us from a highly successful mainstream secondary background. She is the joint class tutor for 9B

Mark Roberts
TLR Holder for Science / Year 9

Mark Roberts

Mark is a highly experienced scientist who is our TLR holder for science. He is also 9B’s joint tutor.

Jade Fraser
Primary model Science and STEM TLR Holder/Year 11

Jade Fraser

Jade is an experience secondary science teacher who heads up our STEM programme in school. She is part of our extended leadership team responsible for science delivered in the primary model and STEM.

Andy Nutbrown
TLR Vocational Lead / Post 16

Andy Nutbrown

Andy manages and oversees out Post 16 classes. Andy teaches PE and Maths up to and including GCSE. He is on our Extended Leadership Team and is currently TLR holder for vocational subjects and PE. Andy is interested in helping our pupils make healthier lifestyle choices and also runs our breakfast club.

The Hub Team

Josh Harrison
Hub Team

Josh Harrison

Josh leads the Hub team as a licenced Thrive practitioner and is working towards a Behavioural Psychology degree.
He is passionate about supporting positive developments in behaviour management strategies and targeting key areas of support in children’s emotional intelligence and well-being.
Ryan Laybourne
Hub Team

Ryan Laybourne

Ryan has been part of the pastoral team since 2021. He has as an ELSA qualification. Ryan is going to complete his Thrive Training in the near future.

Ryan has a wealth of knowledge on young people’s mental health, through his work with  Humber and North Yorkshire HCP. Ryan regularly speaks for young people in conferences about Mental Health. Ryan works closely with Speech and language to deliver Friendship groups as well as LEGO group. 

Laura Edwards
Hub Team

Laura Edwards

Laura works as part of the Hub team and is a qualified licenced Thrive practitioner/ Elsa support and has a level 2 qualification in understanding children and young people’s mental health.
Laura is a passionate member of the team working with our children to help promote our student’s emotional resilience, mental health, self-esteem, anger management, anxiety and also works with children who have experienced bereavement.
Karen Sharpe
Hub Team

Karen Sharpe

Karen is an ELSA & Wellbeing Lead. She is very experienced in supporting both pupils and staff with their individual mental health and wellbeing needs, together with co-ordinating our peer mentor and wellbeing ambassador groups. Karen works closely with the 6th form students, offering counselling  when needed and supports parents and carers with different training workshops and themed coffee mornings throughout the year.