
Brand new sixth form facilities for students aged 16-19
Offering adaptable, bespoke learning opportunities. To encourage independence and move young people towards adulthood.
Be part of our community
Our second area of focus is Community. Northcott prides itself on being a community, whether you are in the main school, Little Blossoms or Post 16. We expect all our young people to be part of our community and look out for each other. All our young people interact with each other regularly, take responsibility for small tasks and are expected to look after our environment. The sixth form take a larger active role in this. You will often see Post 16 pupils in class supporting children; or in ‘The Salon’ offering hair or nail appointments to peers; or even in ‘The Bistro’ serving staff, pupils and catering for organised events.

Supporting our community
Our enterprise activities and businesses are designed to involve and support our community. Each activity, although led by Post 16 pupils, involves other groups such as staff, parents and stakeholders as guests and customers.