We know that our pupils benefit from effective home school liaison and we, as a school, benefit from working together closely with our parents. We have a dedicated team of parent liasion staff who meet and greet pupils at the beginning and end of the day. You can also contact your child’s tutor, subject staff or any of our support staff on: [email protected] or telephone reception on 01482 825311.
Some classes also use class dojo, tapestry and home school liaison books. For details on our School Day, Transport, School Lunches, Term Dates, Admissions and the Local Offer please use the links below.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or ideas you wish to share. Your views matter to us.
School Day
Our pupils’ day starts and ends with wrap-around care from their form tutor. We recognise the importance of bespoke PSHCE for our pupils, and as well as this being embedded in our school week with opportunities such as school council, break time buddies and Peer Mentors, we have a double period of PSHCE for all groups, delivered ands supported by their familiar class team. We also have an SEND SRE specialist on our staff as well as a bespoke agreement with local group Cornerhouse. During lunch all our pupils attend lunch clubs and activities of their choice with their friends.
Find out more about the School Day
Breakfast Club
We offer a free breakfast to all our pupils on arrival at 2 dedicated Breakfast Bars situated in the main school and the senior block. This offers milk, cereal and bagels for a grab-and-go style breakfast on their way to tutor period.
School Lunches
As a school, we are committed to providing healthy lunches and promoting healthy eating. In our life-skills lessons our pupils learn about the different food groups, how to have a balanced diet and the importance of developing good eating habits whilst they are young. Our pupils run a snack trolley at break time, encouraging our children to make healthy choices.
Find out more about School Lunch
School Uniform
We expect our pupils to wear their school uniform with a sense of pride. Students are required to wear uniform up to and including the end of Year 11. Reasonable adjustments can be made for pupils with sensory needs or difficulties.
Find out more about School Uniform
Home School Agreement
Your child’s well-being is of paramount importance to us and we will do all we can to help and support. If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Find out more about our Home School Agreement

The majority of our pupils use Home/school Transport which is part of their EHC Plan. All transport arrangements and any arising issues are dealt with by SEN Team and the Transport Department at Hull City Council. They can be contacted on 01482 612811.